There are many reasons why we need a healthy diet. A healthy diet gives our bodies the right nutrients and fuel. When our bodies have the right balance of nutrition we feel better and we are able to accomplish more in one day. Our mood is stabilized and we are more likely to be happy. A poor diet can cause us to feel sluggish, tired and moody because when we eat poorly we become deficient in key nutrients.
Many people are confused about what really is a healthy diet. Some people might think that if they eat one vegetable per week that this will give their body enough nutrition. A healthy diet is a diet loaded with a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, along with lean meats and other protein sources. A healthy diet is a lifestyle. We need a healthy diet to maintain good health and prevent diseases such as cancer and diabetes.
Fruits and vegetables
In order to maintain good health a person needs five to eight servings of fruits and vegetables daily. It is also important to consume different types of fruits and vegetables rather than eating the same types of veggies all the time. Eating one apple a day is a good goal, but be sure to eat other fruits and vegetables also. If you have a hard time eating your vegetables you can also make a green smoothie or even put your vegetables in a juicer. Just be sure to add the pulp back into another recipe to get your fiber.
Protein is an essential part of a healthy diet. The skin, hair and nails are mainly composed of proteins. Protein can be found in chicken, fish, beef and eggs. Vegetarians can also get the right balance of protein from nuts, beans, soy and even spirulina. Spirulina is a sea vegetable that is loaded with nutrients and it is one of the most easily digestible proteins known to man
Good Fats
Fatty acids are very good for your health. The brain and heart thrive on omega 3 fatty acids. These healthy fats reduce inflammation within the body and reduce the incidence of disease. Omega fats are found in salmon oil, cod liver oil, nuts, seeds and eggs. You can also buy cod liver oil in supplement form and take it daily.
A healthy diet isn't just about what foods you eat. It is also very important to include plenty of purified water in your diet. The human body is over 70 percent water and water is needed for almost every bodily function even. Water transports nutrients, and bathes our cells from the inside out. Water helps to flush out waste and toxins and water helps to keep the skin and brain healthy. Most people need eight to 10 glasses of pure water each day, but if you exercise or work in the sun you may need more. Listen to your body and drink more water if needed.
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