Humans are social beings. It is in our nature to build relationships with one another. It is a need that can't be denied nor ignored. For a person, it is important to be in relationship where he or she can love and be loved. Having no relationship of any kind makes us feel alone and unwanted. This is why people build friendships with one another. It is a social need that gives us self-worth. But what is friendship? What is a friend? According to the dictionary's definition the word friend means a person attached to another by feeling of affection or personal regard. A person who gives assistance or support. Someone who is on good terms with another, a person who is not hostile or a member of the same nation or party. The word friend was taken from both Old English language frEon meaning to love and frEo meaning free.
Friendship is another form of love. It is not a lesser form of love but just another kind. Some people even consider friendship as the highest form of love. Like love, friendship is built over time through trust and acceptance. However, unlike love, friendship is not a monogamous relationship. Two people in a friendship don't need to exclude other people from their relationship as one can have two or more friends. Friendship can best be thought of as two people, side by side, moving forward together in life.
Friendship can also be defined in terms of freedom. Having a friend can also be liberating. It gives you the feeling of freedom to be yourself. To show what you really are and how you really feel. How many of us have been in a situation where we only express what we truly feel to our friends? When my ex boyfriend and I broke up, I was sad and devastated. However I didn't want to tell anyone because I was afraid to be judged. When my very close friend found out and called me, I immediately broke down and told her how I really feel inside. It felt liberating to have someone who would listen and you can truly express yourself.
Best friends have a relationship that is very unique and special. Best friends hold a bond that is unlike a typical bond friends share. Most everyone can think of someone they would consider to be their best friend. There are certain qualifications or characteristics that most best friends have. Look through this list and see if you and your best friend meet these qualifications. And if not, maybe you guys really aren't best friends after all!
Loyal - Best friends are loyal to each other. They would never purposefully hurt one another. They are always looking out for each other. Best friends put each other before other people.
Trust - Best friends trust one another. They share secrets, dreams, and wishes while knowing that the other won't tell anyone else. They feel like they can tell each other anything.
Dependable - Best friends depend on each other. They depend on each other for help, love, and acceptance. They are there for one another and know that they will always have someone to turn to.
Communication - Best friends are good communicators. They listen to each other and understand one another. They care what the other has to say. They give each other advice and suggestions. They find ways to work through disagreements instead of yelling and arguing.
Caring - Best friends care about each other. They are selfless in the relationship. They want the other to truly be happy. They are constantly doing things to show that they care.
Respect - Best friends respect each other. They respect each other as people, and they respect each other's opinions. They respect each other for who they are, and don't ask them to change anything about themselves.
Share Desires - Best friends share desires. They have similar interests. They often share goals. They work together with a common goal in mind.
Spend Time Together - Best friends spend time together and value that time spent together. They like being with one another. They like doing similar things. They could even spend time together without really doing anything. Best friends just like to be together.
Love - Best friends love each other. They display this love through their actions, by serving each other. Often they even express their love for one another through words.
Know Each Other - Best friends know each other. They know each other better than anyone else does. They could list each others' hobbies, likes, dislikes, passions, and desires. Best friends sometimes feel like they know each other better than they know themselves.
Honest - Best friends are honest with each other. They feel like they have nothing to hide. They can be themselves around each other. They don't need to put on an act, try to impress, or be anyone different than who they really are.
Selfless - Best friends put each other before themselves. They are always wanting the other to be happy and have more than they do. They are excited when good things happen to the other, without getting jealous. They want the best for each other.
Gratitude - Best friends are grateful to have each other, and try their best not to take one another for granted. They express their gratitude regularly for the friendship and bond they share.
Encouragement - Best friends encourage each other and bring out the best in each other. They are a positive influence on one another, and they wouldn't be the same without each other.
Make a Difference - Best friends make a difference in each other's lives. With out each other, they feel like something is missing and that they are not complete.
Friendships make up a unique part of our lives. Everyone is different and brings unique qualities to their friendships. Building a relationship with a friend requires taking risks by trusting and expecting trust in return from that individual. In order to promote a healthy relationship there must be equality and loyalty between friends and a strong desire to work through any challenges that come up.
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