Sunday, May 9, 2010

Healthy life style

1. Stay away from cigarettes
Everybody is aware that smoking is a major health hazard. It kills you slowly and reduces your life expectancy. Aside from increasing your risk for lung cancer, you also become extremely susceptible to other smoking-related diseases. It does not matter whether you only smoke a couple of sticks a week or if you finish 2 packs a day,.
Even those who do not smoke are risking their health when they are around smokers. They should limit their contact to second-hand smoke. More often than not, inhaling second-hand smoke is worse than you puffing on that death stick yourself.

2. Get adequate, quality sleep

Adequate hours of sleep should go hand in hand with good quality of sleep for your body to get the benefits of a full night’s rest. Your bedroom is your sleeping sanctuary and you should make sure that it provides rest and relaxation, nothing else. The temperature in your bedroom should be just below body temperature, there should be limited or mellow light and sound, and you should always have clean bed clothes.

Your body needs an average of 7 hours of restful sleep every night to completely recharge itself. It is also important to keep a regular sleeping pattern.

3. Have a healthier diet

Eating healthy is important to look and feel great, both inside and out. First and foremost, you should reduce your sugar intake. Small indulgences to satisfy your sweet tooth every now and then can make a difference to your overall health.
Make sure that you always have fruits and vegetables in your diet. These should be indispensable staples that help your body repair and maintain itself.
You should also avoid skipping breakfast. The body needs plenty of energy to function throughout the day. Most breakfast foods contain energy-giving nutrients like Vitamin C and D, fiber, calcium, and iron. Additionally, if you always eat breakfast, you are less likely to snack on unhealthy foods in between meals.

4. Exercise, exercise, exercise

If you are not into going to the gym, you have plenty of other options. The important thing is that you exercise regularly to keep your body fit and to burn the calories you consume daily so you won’t gain unhealthy, excess weight. In addition, exercise can also help reduce your sugar cravings.
There are websites that have free exercise plans you can do right in the comfort of your own home. You can watch videos or read articles to help you with your fitness routine. At least ten minutes of exercise every day can be beneficial to your health.


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